I wish there was a term to accurately describe what I'm doing so that I could more comfortably answer the question: "So, What do you do?"
I often hear people using the term “Stay-At-Home-Dad” in everyday conversation… and have also seen it abbreviated as: “S.A.H.D." which not only looks like “SAD”…but would also be pronounced phonetically as: “SAD”. I’m amazed that the term was actually ever even coined because “staying home” is the exact opposite of what I do every day.
“House Husband” is as insulting as “House Wife” regardless of whether or not it conjures up images of the reality show “Real Housewives” who seem to be as disconnected with reality as they are their children....or thoughts of the more traditional "House Wife", who are unjustly stereotyped as lazy shopaholics who start every day with Pilates and enjoy martini lunches after tennis. Either way it’s undeserving for the men and women I know who are the primary care providers in the family.
“Professional Dad” sounds like someone who is taking themselves way too seriously… and I question the professionalism of any occupation with the word “professional” in the title.
“Mr. Mom” suggests some gender role reversal between mom and dad resulting in dad becoming a man with a penchant for gossip and an addiction to the ellen show... not to mention the notion that somewhere out there coming through the front door at any moment is “Mrs. Dad”… which is far too frightening for me to even imagine.
“Full-Time Dad” would be o.k. because it suggests a high level of multi-tasking however, neglects the additional role of “Part-Time Mom” most other “S.A.H.D."s and I assume.
"Sherpa" may be offensive to Sherpas.
Perhaps the absence of an appropriate moniker is due to the fact that my generation is still on the cusp of redefining gender and parental roles.
What about “O.H.P.D.T.F.P.M”? It's an acronym for: One Hundred Percent Dad & Twenty Five Percent Mom?
Or is that too long?
I’ve got it....
“New American Dads” which can be abbreviated “N.A.D.S.”